Does any of this sound familiar?
You knew you were meant to be of service, so you started a business to help people. But once you got going, you might have noticed yourself feeling hesitant with clients and not as passionate about your practice as you thought you would be. And it's hard to keep your sense of confidence and excitement when clients aren't showing up.
This might help...
If any of this resonates, let me introduce you to the Gibson Banning Method because it might be just what you've been looking for.
For many who have learned excellent skills, what's keeping them from being fully confident and excited about growing their practice isn't necessarily that what they've tried hasn't been good...
It's the cultural conditioning that is unconsciously included in nearly all self-help books, courses, and programs. And it's not just books and programs; it's ingrained in everything and everywhere. This conditioning is like being born into a big box without knowing it and we don't question it because we believe it's our whole world.
That's why you haven't been able to figure out what's going on; it has nothing to do with you. We all feel kind of stuck, overwhelmed, and restricted by these imposing cardboard walls that keep us self-conscious, confused, and on edge.
You can't shine the way you want because this old conditioning keeps trying to suppress the truth you feel in your heart. The "box" is no longer big enough for the person you're meant to be.
You see, you don't need fixing. There's nothing wrong with you. You're just being constrained by the limitations of this box.
That's why this "distinction stacking "technology is so important, it helps you easily cut through the walls of this unseen conditioning so you can break free from the habits, beliefs, and fears that keep you stuck.
There's a whole new world waiting for you right outside those flimsy walls.

I now realize how I lived my life
from a skewed perspective.
This course teaches distinctions that seem simple, but they’re profound, and once you see them, they can't be unseen. I have new choices now
that I didn't have before.

Now I see my choices more clearly and I’m no longer in fix-it
mode all the time.
I’m also able to calm my mind down and focus on what’s most important to me, and my family. This has made such a difference In my life!
I am really super grateful!
In just eight weeks, these distinctions will help you:
Relax years of unconscious behavior that keeps you stuck and derails your confidence, happiness, and success.
Move beyond feeling trapped and frustrated by your circumstances and discover surprising new possibilities for difficult situations.
Access a deep sense of self-awareness, self-trust, and self-acceptance so you can show up powerfully and make decisions that have a real impact.
Reveal your true power and purpose, so you never have to shut down parts of yourself to feel safe and secure.
Be internally sourced rather than externally driven. This provides a level of conviction and self-confidence you may have never experienced.
Enter your bullet points here..

"I was struggling with anxiety in my life and I had stopped feeling joy in my business. I was stuck and I knew I needed something more to help me stay motivated. This was it!
Now I am NOT forcing my goals anymore. I'm accomplishing them without forcing them to happen; they are happening naturally and with ease.
I'm living in my true self and feel so much happier, and I have more confidence.
The Gibson Banning Method has been priceless!"
The Heart of the Matter…
If you're still reading this, you probably already have a sense of what I'm talking about. You're self-aware, integrity is important to you, and you really want to hold onto your precious love of service.
And you probably know it's time again, to step out of your comfort zone.
But it's hard to know who to trust or whether this program will make a real difference in your life.
Meet Ms. Summers – The Mindful Eating Coach
More Happy Participants
"A Wildly Practical Roadmap for Coaches Who You Want to Go from Good to Great."

"I feel more emotionally stable, empowered, clear on my purpose, and WAY happier than before I began.
Best training I’ve ever done!
(Including my college degrees….)."
It really was life changing!

This program was enlightening and eye opening. I tend to be self-reflective and do a lot of inner work already.
Yet this program and the way the distinctions were offered helped me take it to an entirely new level!
Thank You!
Why is this method so impactful?
Because we've spent over 20 years verifying our Distinction Stacking Technology by providing thousands of hours of sessions to private clients and delivering hundreds of workshops and seminars.
It works because it's built on these core principles:
Your internal wisdom is your highest source of knowing. Our culture literally teaches us the exact opposite of this truth. From a very young age, we're persuaded to believe there is a "right" and "wrong" way to do things. This is why so many of us are burdened with perfectionism, and why we doubt ourselves and our abilities.
Transformation can only occur when you are willing to step out of your comfort zone, lovingly, authentically, and nonjudgmentally. Growth can be difficult, so we have created a caring and judgment-free environment for you to move into your next big expansion.
What's possible in your life is only limited by your choices. But there are many more options than are visible through the veil of our cultural framework, and the most rewarding choices are often the ones that are concealed.
Life can be so much simpler than we think and will only be easier when your entire being is united and working together. All aspects - mental, physical, spiritual, and subconscious parts are needed in order to flow with life. Cultural conditioning often creates a false hierarchy, where certain aspects of us are elevated, and others are judged as weak or inappropriate. It's impossible to be in the flow of life when parts of us are out of sync and fighting against each other.
Enter your bullet points here..

Now that I am using this method I have noticed how much more quickly I process through the discomforts in life.
It’s AMAZING! I also communicate with and understand others so much better!
My relationships are stronger! I feel so free!!
The Gibson Banning Method is life changing!

I cannot turn off
the faucet of opportunities that
are coming right now.
Two more coaching clients this week.
It’s just crazy.
Love this course,
I love how the distinctions helped me gain such clarity and help me to take more powerful actions!
Awesome stuff!

The GB Method has given me the ability to reevaluate everything!.
I have used self-protection my whole life, walling off everyone so I wouldn't get hurt. I wish I would’ve learned
these distinctions when I was younger. I can see how it would’ve changed everything. Especially changing the way I raised my children. They would have been raised without fear.
About your instructor:
Hi, I'm Beth Banning and I have over 35 years of experience in the self-help and spiritual and personal development field.
And I remember like it was yesterday, the exact moment when this passion took hold.
There were so many times growing up I felt confused and scared when I saw how people were treated because of their skin color, religion, or just because they were different.

At that moment, I knew I wanted to help make this world a better place. A place where people care more, listen more and support each other more often.
I spent many years researching, participating in workshops, and working and studying with leaders in the field. I have Interviewed dozens of bright lights in the industry, such as Maya Angelou, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Bob Thurman, Bruce Lipton, Gangaji, Gary Zukav, Lynne Twist, and many others, trying to make sense of why people treat each other the way they do.
All this led me to co-create the Gibson Banning Method.
So if you have a heart for service and are inspired to help make this a more loving and compassionate world, it would be my privilege and honor to support you.
What people are saying about Beth

Working with Beth was like coming home to myself. I love you Beth!
And I encourage anyone thinking about working with her to go for it.

Beth is amazing! An intuitive, compassionate, & loving teacher.
She brings such clarity and brilliance to incredibly complicated topics.

Beth is a gifted teacher & such an inspiration! I looked forward to
every session.
I always felt cared for & eagerly awaited every new distinction.
The Power and Purpose Course
What You Can Expect from Each Session of this Curriculum
Session 1 - The Foundation

This is where you begin to build a foundation for your participation in this course and your life.
A foundation creates a sturdy path to your success.
Helps you be clear about what you want and know exactly where you are going and where you will end up, so you can chill and enjoy the ride.
It promotes clarity and confidence, the ability to get more of what you want, and increases the likelihood that others understand you and assist you more often.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 2 - D-Armoring

Here you start to explore the D-Armoring process.
Discover why we develop specific thought patterns and default emotions that keep us stuck and endlessly bumping up against what seems like impenetrable walls. The cultural “Cardboard Box.”
Gain new insight into the realm of “choice” and distinguish between cultural choices and personal choices.
Learn a process to begin gently releasing years of self-protective behaviors so you can relax and see exciting new options that were previously invisible to you.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 3 - internal authority

This session is all about developing a deeper level of internal authority.
Gain further clarity about "who you are" and "how you are" to develop a stable trust in your ability to take care of yourself.
Learn a simple method for quickly getting beyond "crisis mentality" so you can feel more capable, confident, and empowered.
Discover the Emotional Movement Technique to help you deal with uncomfortable feelings (without being derailed by them.)
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 4 - deeper dive

Here we dive into the next level of the D-armoring process.
Discover the number one reason we disconnect from the fullness and truth of who we are.
Understand a popular self-improvement myth, why it creates confusion, self-sabotage, and pain, and what to do so it no longer has a grip on your success.
Learn the secret to merging conscious and unconscious motivations so you can neutralize doubt and uncertainty and make a more significant impact in the world.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 5 - The Heart of the matter

This is where we get to the heart of creating the life that YOU choose.
Learn how to move beyond feeling trapped and frustrated by your circumstances and identify surprising new possibilities for difficult situations.
Discover a simple process for getting to the truth of what you want, so you can stop settling for what you think you can get.
Uncover the source of freedom hidden within you so that you can show up powerfully and make decisions that have a real impact.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 6 - a broader reality

In session 6, you continue to broaden your interpretation of “reality."
Learn how to stop limiting yourself by uncovering and nurturing the seed of your desires.
Gain the understanding you need to release your attachments and begin trusting the flow of life.
Discover a simple exercise that will allow you to quickly create "pure intentions" that open the floodgates to unseen opportunities.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 7 - breaking free

Crack open the "reality" of what you think you know and uncover the power of our mind and imagination.
Learn how to break free from the cultural mind matrix and experience more change with less effort.
Discover how to blend the wisdom of the subconscious mind with the clarity of conscious thinking so you can, navigate our ever-changing world with more ease and confidence.
Have fun and gain experience using a simple framework for disrupting your negative thought patterns so you can quickly relieve stress and overwhelm.
Enter your bullet points here..
Session 8 - connecting the dots

Now it's time to put it all together.
Learn how to choose your actions free from the influence of unwanted habits and cultural conditioning.
Discover three surprising ways to neutralize imposter syndrome.
Understand the 7-step clarity process that rapidly untangles doubt, confusion, and overwhelm and puts you back in the driver's seat of your life.
Enter your bullet points here..
What Others Are Saying About the Program

Just amazing! I continue to have shifts and constant growth. I feel so much more joy. This was just what I needed!
It’s truly transformational!

I was blown away
by how much my behaviors changed from each distinction that was delivered. .
This work will
change your life.

I now see my life
from a whole new perspective. This has truly opened doors for me that weren’t
even there before.
I am very grateful!
Here's Everything You Get...
The Power and Purpose Program Includes:
Our proprietary Distinction Stacking Technology - allows you to change habits naturally without resistance or struggle
A dynamic online learning environment.
8 interactive instructional videos (all approximately one hour in length).
8 PDF documents that include, awareness practices, worksheets, and experiential exercises.
Lifetime access and updates.
Enter your bullet points here..

Plus, these exciting bonuses
And, because we're a stand for your light shining brightly in the world, and to support your next expansion, as a bonus this program also includes:
Interactive Group Calls - Each month of the program, you can participate in up to 4 interactive Zoom calls with Beth for Q&A, coaching, and exploration.
Private and collaborative Facebook group, where Beth and her team of certified coaches are available to support you.
Enter your bullet points here..

The Wise Guide Framework - In this Bonus Session, you will learn an interactive process to reconnect with your highest source of wisdom so you can be more confident, and make decisions faster, which will save you time and money.
Enter your bullet points here..
A Private Zoom Coaching Call - At the end of the program, you can request one private call with Beth or one of her certified coaches to ask questions and create a plan for your path forward.
Enter your bullet points here..

- What is “Distinction Stacking” Technology?To put it plainly, it's a simple way to change habits naturally without struggle or resistance.
This happens because we present you with new options in a very particular order and systematic manner. This system has thousands of hours of testing behind it. - Why is “Distinction Stacking” Technology so important?Without new options, nothing changes. As we go through the course, we will be distinguishing between what you already know intellectually, what is already habitually ingrained, and new options you may not be aware exist.
This is the point at which things can change, and breakthroughs happen. But change can often be scary, and when we feel scared, consciously or unconsciously, our innate defense system is triggered, and we become resistant, pull back, and close ourselves off from what could be miraculous.
With our “Distinction Stacking” Technology, your inner defense mechanism doesn't get triggered in the same way. You can relax, release limitations, blossom into a new way of being, and achieve near-automatic results.
I know this almost sounds unbelievable; I can hardly believe it every time I watch it happen, but these results have become consistent. After years of verifying the stacking technology, the results have also become predictable. - What if I'm not a coach, can I still do the program?YES, and… please do not enroll in the program if you just want to “check it out.”
I focus on coaches and others who are already out in the world supporting change because that is my priority—helping to create a world that truly works for everyone.
So I want that to also be important to anyone who is going to participate in this course.
And, of course, I know even if you don't have a business that's out there nurturing a better world it could still be important to you. So yes, definitely, in that case, please enroll in the course. We would love to have you join us! - What if I have questions, but can't make a live call?No problem! We've got you covered. There are multiple ways you can ask questions and get answers.
~ You can ask your questions anytime in the Facebook group and get answers from Beth or one of the certified coaches.
~ You can email your questions and get a response via email.
~ Or we will answer your questions on the live call. They're all recorded and you can watch them at your convenience. - What happens if I don’t finish the course in 8 weeks?That's not a problem… You have lifetime access to the materials, so if you need to take longer to finish, that's just fine.
And if you stop and start again, all you need to do is let us know your timeline and we will leave you in the Facebook group so that when you get going again you can continue to ask your questions, and get support. - What will happen when I finish the course?First, we will all celebrate with you! It's very inspiring and quite an achievement to commit and follow through.
Then it will be entirely up to you what happens next.
If you would like to stay involved, there are several options that we're happy to discuss after you complete the course.
And when you finish, you also have an opportunity to schedule a one-on-one call to get help coming up with a plan to continue practicing what you have learned. This will support your continued expansion into the depth and breadth of who you are.
We want to support you with this whether you choose to stay involved or not. We are here for you and will continue to be. - What if I don't have a Facebook account?For many of us, Facebook and social media have become overwhelming and not as life-affirming as we would like them to be.
AND... It's an easily accessible platform for group interaction.
So we do recommend that even if you don't use Facebook, you sign up for an account just to interact during this program.
Of course, you don't have to, you will receive an email with details about how to participate in the live calls and you can ask questions via email, but to receive the full benefit, Facebook is recommended. - Is there a guarantee?I am so sure you will love this program; that I offer a 100% money-back guarantee.
If you are committed to getting value, follow the program by watching the videos, doing the exercises, and coming to as many of our group calls as you can and don’t think it's worth at least double what you paid, I will refund 100% of your money back.

These distinctions have been so powerful!
I feel so much more confident. I have more clarity on how to communicate with myself and others. It has had a profound effect on my family and my business.
Initially, I mainly focused on my business, but one of the things I got that wasn’t even an outcome—that I just love—is it has improved my family relationships, even one of the most challenging relationships in my life. It’s amazing!
I am so grateful for the space of unconditional love and learning I got.
Get Unstuck, Feel More Confident, and Have a Greater Impact in Your Practice, Your Life, and the World!
All this and more for a price that you can afford!

(see session by session details above)
- The Entire Gibson Banning Method - Power and Purpose course
- Our proprietary Distinction Stacking Technology - allows you to change habits naturally without resistance or struggle
- A dynamic online learning environment
- 8 interactive instructional videos (all approximately one hour in length)
- 8 PDF documents that include awareness practices, worksheets, and experiential exercises.
- Lifetime access and updates
And these Bonuses
- Group Coaching calls with Beth for Q&A, coaching, and exploration
- Private and collaborative Facebook group
- The Wise Guide Framework - an intuitive process to reconnect with your highest source of wisdom
- One Personal Coaching Call - see details above
Contact information
Choose a pricing option
- Preferred option$495.00$495.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (2x $250.00)2x $250.00
- Preferred optionSplit pay (3x $170.00)3x $170.00
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